Maasik & Kőomägi Haapsalu Linnagaleriis

3. veebruaril 2010 kell 16:00 avati Haapsalu Linnagaleriis Posti tn 3 Arne Maasiku ja Armin Kőomägi näitus "OTSIJAD". Välja pandi kaks lavastuslikku fotosarja: "Juhuslik kohtumine" ja "Uni".

Kord jäi fotokunstnik Arne Maasik mőttesse. Osadel tema piltidel vaikisid rauast, betoonist ja klaasist linnad, suured ning plaanipärased. Teistel vohas sihitu ent uskumatult jőuline vősa. On see vastasseis? Peategelast, kes esimese ehitas ja teiseni oma kirvega veel jőudnud polnud, ta piltidelt ei leidnud.
Samal ajal hakkas kirjanik Armin Kőomägi peas moodustuma idee. See vőttis mitmeid kujusid, ent sőnu, mis seda kőike paberile aitaks panna, ei leidunud.
Täiesti juhuslikult, nagu elus ikka vahel tundub, said Arne ja Armin kokku. Nad otsustasid ühendada jőud ning koos otsima asuda.
"OTSIJAD" on kahest loost koosnev fotosari, kus fotokunstnik on avastanud endale tuttavast keskkonnast hetki kirjaniku fantaasiamängust ja need teie ette toonud. Vaikselt ja sőnatult.
Ka piltidel otsitakse. Olgu sportauto vői laps, kallid ja armsad mőlemad, üksi tänavale heidetuna tunnevad nad puudust inimlikust soojusest, tähelepanust ja hoolitsusest. Kőigest sellest, mida raudbetoon ja klaas vaevalt pakkuda suudavad.

The Seekers, a photo exhibition by Arne Maasik & Armin Kőomägi, will open at the Haapsalu Town Gallery (Posti St. 3) on February 3rd at 4 pm. Two staged photo series will be exhibited - Random Encounter and A Dream

Arne Maasik, a photographer and artist, once contemplated - in some of his photos, cities of iron, concrete and glass fall silent, while in others, incredibly strong brushwood proliferates aimlessly. Is this a confrontation? The main character, the one that built the first and has not yet arrived with his axe to fell the other, is nowhere to be found.
At the same time, an idea was forming in the head of the writer Armin Kőomägi; an idea that took many forms, but no words could be found to record it.
Quite by accident, as sometimes happens, the two met and decided to combine their efforts and seek a possible outcome together.

THE SEEKERS is series of photos comprising two stories, in which the photographer has recorded moments of the writer`s fantasy game in the environment familiar to him. These moments have been brought to you silently and wordlessly.
Be it a sports car or a childeach is dear and precious, lonely and outcast in the streets. Deprived of human care, warmth and attention, they seek it in - these photos, but the concrete and glass cannot provide it.

Arne Maasik:
Armin Kőomägi:

Haapsalu Linnagalerii asub aadressil Posti - 3 (plaan)
Avatud kolmapäevast kuni pühapäevani, alates 12.00 - 18.00.
Kontakttelefonid : Haapsalu Kultuurikeskus 5149320
Kuraator Agur Kruusing 51 49 320, ,